全球 organization optimizes project tracking and visibility with ServiceNow

RSM develops portal to increase transparency and user experience

业务应用程序 ServiceNow 现代工作解决方案 消费品

对于全球性组织来说,管理项目工作流是一项艰巨的任务,尤其是在IT部门. 出现了各种范围和紧急程度的项目,需要以适当的可见性对其进行优先排序和管理,以便利益相关者了解工作的进展情况以及期望得到满足.

美国最大的私人控股公司之一希望改善与其数字运营组织合作的内部客户的整体体验. 该功能位于IT部门,专注于为现有应用程序和公司的底层基础设施和网络提供支持.

Enhancing digital operations experience

公司领导层发起了一项计划,目标是开发一个项目跟踪器,使项目团队和管理人员能够准确地了解他们在服务过程中的位置, from intake to completion. 数字运营团队希望确保内部客户能够访问一个简单的, intuitive and easy-to-use interface with tracking and catalog ordering capabilities.

“The problem we were trying to solve was twofold,” said an executive. “我们想让运营团队能够提供的服务——无论是服务期间还是服务之后——对项目团队来说都是清晰的,并将所有服务放在一个地方. Secondly, we wanted to give them transparency into where they were in the process.”

“总体目标是让数字运营团队成为一个更好的做生意的地方,” the executive continued. “They can use our digital operations team, or they could go to a third party—they do not have to use this. 所以,如果我们行动迟缓,或者不透明,或者不是一个好的合作伙伴,人们就会去别的地方.”

For the new delivery model, 该公司的数字运营团队从另一个著名的跟踪工具中获得了灵感:一个通常用于网络和移动订单的披萨跟踪器. 然而, 高管知道,对于数字运营团队模型来说,功能需要更广泛.

“When you’re ordering a pizza, 你一开始就很清楚你想要什么,你不会在点到一半的时候改变对配料的主意,高管说。. “In the world of a project, scope changes constantly. So, while the pizza tracker was the North Star, 现实情况是,这些都是单独的项目,一开始可能需要一些基础设施, and halfway through the project, 可能需要更多.”

The company had previous experience with RSM的ServiceNow团队 within several workstreams and lines of business, and leadership went to ServiceNow to determine if an existing, off-the-shelf product could align with its goals in the digital operations organization. When nothing quite fit the bill, ServiceNow suggested that the company work with RSM to develop an effective solution.

Collaborating to develop the right tool and approach

Resources from RSM US and RSMvwin德赢娱乐 took the company’s high-level, 并开始开发一个定制的解决方案,主要使用开箱即用的ServiceNow工具,这些工具可以满足公司的需求,并且易于维护. The RSM team took a methodical approach, bringing in resources with deep experience in project management, ServiceNow service portal development and design, 和ServiceNow定制应用开发,与客户的数字运营团队合作,将他们的想法变为现实.

“坦率地说, RSM团队在提出正确的问题以更详细地理解问题并提出解决方案方面表现得非常出色,” the executive commented.

RSM仔细考虑并验证了数字运营团队的功能和技术需求以及总体用户界面考虑因素,并每周提供自定义门户模型和后端自定义应用程序配置,以供审查和反馈. The process was very iterative in nature, 在最终产品被客户认可之前,进行多次修改和改进.  

“RSM与我们内部的一些关键利益相关者合作,以确保我们与我们需要的人保持一致,并对其进行调整,使其成为正确的解决方案,高管说。. “They understood the problem and helped us to architect and design a solution. The team that built the solution was also brilliant, using the Agile approach and providing reviews every week to gather input.”

With the importance of overall user experience and adoption, RSM还大力利用公司的设计团队,以确保应用程序具有直观的方法,并优化了用户交互.

“The icing on the cake was the involvement of the human-centered design team from RSM,” the executive remarked. “他们在早期有一些会议向我们的用户展示线框图并引导他们完成导航. 对很多人来说,参与这种级别的用户体验设计真的很新鲜. 我发现这部分非常令人印象深刻,许多终端用户认为这非常有帮助.”

一直, RSM has been fantastic, from understanding the problem, designing and architecting the solution, doing user experience testing to make sure it was the right solution, and then building the solution. I have been happy from beginning to end.

A successful launch with an eye on the future

新的门户, built on a ServiceNow foundation, 用户和组织对提高用户的透明度和效率感到非常兴奋. Within the first month of going live, 数字操作团队收到了数百个由该工具发起的项目请求.

The platform is intuitive for users, and saves time in many areas, such as reducing the need to enter project details multiple times. Many of those details are automatically pulled through. 然而,随着系统的发展,执行人员看到了进一步优化的机会.

“最初, we focused on some big-ticket items, so there’s definitely room for further expansion of things that can be viewed, 发起和跟踪,高管说。. “We expect activity to massively ramp up throughout the year, 与此同时, 我们希望从数据中获得一些非常好的见解,以优化我们的内部流程.”    

With the portal in place, 该公司的数字运营组织现在有一个工作流程解决方案,可以提高透明度, with an intuitive user interface. As the tool becomes further integrated, 用户将了解与内部数字运营团队合作的好处和效率,而不是去其他地方寻求支持. 此外,组织现在有了展示其向公司交付的价值的洞察力.

“我们已经不再依赖大量的人际互动,这意味着很难衡量最初的效果,高管说。. “但是向前走, now we have the data—each time we make a change, we can now confidently measure its impact.”   

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